comfort, support & healthy hips for independence, exploration & play. 

give your bub the best chance of building healthy hips

with a baby seat that is safe, comfortable & stylish.

* new baby seat in development *

aussie owned & designed

hi i’m bree

I'm Bree, the founder of hip & co. As a mum to three young girls, I discovered the significance of hip health when one of my daughters was diagnosed late with hip dysplasia. I learned how common hip dysplasia is and that there are ways to avoid hip dysplasia developing - with proper hip positioning during a bubs first year!

You might have heard about the "M" position for baby carriers and sleeping bags, which ensures ample legroom for optimal hip positioning. Inspired by this, I am creating Australia’s first baby floor seat designed to support your baby's hip development. Plus, if your child has hip dysplasia and needs treatment, this seat will keep them comfortable and properly positioned.

hip and co mission is to raise awareness for healthy hips

why healthy hips?

1 in 10 babies are born with some sort of hip instability and 1 in 100 are treated for hip dysplasia! ridiculous stats right?

it doesn't end there either...the cause is currently unknown and there are so many diagnoses' being delayed until early adulthood.

so we are here to provide hip healthy seating to all children, provide resources to those whose children are being treated for hip dysplasia & raise awareness of hip dysplasia to all of Australia!

hip & co spica table Sunday Denyer hip dysplasia

hip & co's spica table

Australia's first & only flat packed spica table

designed by a spica bub's mum and can make its way to you wherever you are in Australia.

check out how it will make your spica time easier and read about its fancy features...

**sold out indefinitely while we focus on creating a new seat**

shop now
tshirt women tshirt kids black hip dysplasia

'hip' t-shirt

a black t-shirt is a staple in everyone's wardrobe. Pair that with helping raise hip dysplasia awareness & research - this shirt is a winner

get yours